Short walk 5
Short walk 5 directions click here to download a PDF copy of the directions with photos of the main turning points.
Your starting point which is the playing field car park off Akeferry road is a tight turn and easy to miss although it is signposted to the Playing Fields
A Starting from the car park of Westwoodside Playing Fields leave by the car park entrance and turn right down the lane.
B Follow the path around a couple of tight turns and over a wooden bridge until it meets a T junction with Thinholme Lane. Here you turn left and continue down this fairly straight track for about 2/3rds of a kilometre until you reach the embankment for the Warping Drain.
C At the drain the path turns sharp right for about 50m until you reach the steps over the Warping Drain bridge and the railway line, which you cross and carry straight on around the house and down to the minor road.
D At the road you turn left walking for about 500m past the footpath sign on to the track signposted Langholme Lane on the left where you turn. Take care on the road which is usually very quiet but it is narrow and there is no footpath and some vehicles travel a little too fast.
E Turn down Langholme Lane walking for about 150m until you see the entrance to Langholme Woods Nature reserve on your left.
F Turn left left into Langholme Woods a nature reserve. Detailed information about the reserve is here : By taking all the left turns follow the path around the edge of the woods eventually emerging back out onto Langholme Lane.
G Turning left continue north down Langholme Lane and with care cross the railway line and The Warping Drain.
H After about 50m you reach the T junction where you again turn left. There is no footpath sign to the left but it is a permissive path.
I Walk this path to the T junction rejoining Thinholme Lane, turning right to retrace your steps to the car park.
Short walk 5 map Click to Download a PDF copy of this map
Walk from Westwoodside, Thinholme Lane, Langholme Lane and Nature Reserve