Old photographs of the villages in Haxey Parish

The photos have been collected from various sources for which we are grateful. These include Angus Townley who contributed the majority of the old photographs of the Axholme Light Railway  the Haxey and  and Alan Holgate, the latter who has a collection of Isle photographs here:


The majority of this collection comes from the Haxey and Westwoodside Heritage Society who have an impressive collection of images and literature on the history of our parish.

There are five gallery pages of old photos of Haxey Parish here:



 Low Burnham


Axholme Joint Railway

Farming scenes

"The way we were" - scenes and people around the Isle from about 100 years ago

and we will gradually add articles relating to the places you may walk by:

The changing face of the Isle

Production of linen and hemp

St Nicholas's Church

The Mounting Stone

The Great Haxey Fire

The Greenhill cross

The Old Vicarage

Haxey Pubs