Haxey Parish Walkers organisation

With strong support from Haxey Parish Council, the purposes of our group are several and not limited to these:

  • To promote walking as a healthy and entertaining activity for our local residents and for visitors.
  • To identify repairs and improvements to be made to our network of footpaths.
  • To support local businesses by attracting visitors to the area.

In order to do these things we need as much support as we can get and a group of members, either individuals or organisations, who will undertake the work needed. The tasks are not especially time consuming or onerous but you may be able to get some sense of that from the constitution below.

As you will see from the constitution we hold at least four meetings each year. The notes from the last general / committee meeting and the date of the next (with agenda within 10 days of the meeting) are here.

Constitution of Haxey Parish Walkers adopted in the general meeting on 18th January 2018, amended at the AGMs in January 2019 and in January 2020


1. The overall aim of Haxey Walkers will be to promote Haxey Parish for the purpose of recreational walking for the benefit of local residents, visitors and the tourism economy of the Isle of Axholme
2. Haxey Walkers will only take responsibility for monitoring rights of way within the Haxey Parish boundary.
3. Haxey Walkers will work to improve access for all for the purpose of the enjoyment of our local countryside and facilities.
4. We will seek to promote the maintenance and improvement of facilities for walkers through Haxey Parish Council, North Lincolnshire County Council or other agencies as appropriate.
5. We will publicise the local Haxey walks and those in our wider region together with local facilities for walkers.
6. We will engage with the community, businesses, relevant groups and local authorities to support these aims.

1. Membership shall be open to any individual, business or interested parties that share aims and objectives. Physical or mental disability will be no barrier to membership.
2. We will keep a register of contact information, in particular e-mail addresses of members and interested parties for the purpose of circulating minutes, notices and newsletters. This will be available to Committee members for Haxey Walkers purposes only.

1. Haxey Walkers shall be operated as a not-for-profit organisation. We may organise events and activities and we will set out to raise funds in order to further the objects to support the aims above.
2. All the resources of Haxey Walkers shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the aims and objectives.


Haxey Walkers will be managed by a committee to be appointed annually in January which will consist of anybody supporting our aims and objectives to a normal maximum of eight people. If more than eight people wish to serve then election will be through a vote of the members. The number of votes for each member will be decided at the AGM normally equal to the number of committee places available.
The Officers of the Committee shall be :-
The Chair
The Vice Chair
The Honorary Treasurer
The Honorary Secretary

1. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members onto the Committee with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the Committee. This may be a temporary measure for special events or to bolster the committee numbers.
2. It is considered beneficial to include at least one representative of Haxey Parish Council on the Committee.
3. The Committee shall decide how roles and duties shall be shared to meet our aims and objectives.
4. Haxey Walkers Committee shall meet a minimum of four times per year including the AGM.
5. The committee will be quorate if at least three members are present, including either the Chair or Vice Chair.
6. Haxey Walkers will endeavour to hold their AGM in January with at least 14 days notice to the membership. The purposes of this meeting are:
a) to receive and adopt the accounts for the financial year ended on the previous 31st December.
b) to receive and adopt the report of the Chair on the work of the Steering Group for the previous year, and to receive an outline of the anticipated activities for the forthcoming year,
c) to transact such other business as may properly be brought before it.
7. Any four members of the Committee may call an extraordinary meeting of Haxey Walkers


1. Haxey Walkers financial year shall commence 1 January and run to 31 December.
2. The Treasurer shall keep proper financial records and shall report at each committee meeting and at the AGM.
3. Accounts shall be subject to endorsement by an unrelated committee member.
4. All money received shall be paid into a bank account in the name of Haxey Walkers.
5. Cheques shall be signed and BACS transfers approved by two members of the Committee who are not related.


1. This constitution may be amended in accordance with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the full Committee.
2. The proposal of any amendment must be circulated to the whole membership with the appropriate Committee agenda with one week’s notice.


1. The committee may dissolve Haxey Walkers with a two-thirds majority of all the members.
2. Any assets left after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be applied to purposes in keeping with the objects of Haxey Walkers
3. All books and documents of Haxey Walkers shall be placed with such a person or organisation for safe keeping as the meeting shall decide.


Signatures of the committee officers present: