AGM 2025 meeting notes

23 January 2025 

Those attending

Pete Smith, Jan Smith, Andy Kennedy, Judy Kennedy, Maureen Wilkinson, Keith Miller, John Smedley, Carol Lindley, Stuart Knowles, Roger Linsell


Alyson Linnegar, Chris Johnson, Helen Rooney, Julie Beardshall

The minutes of the last AGM in January 24 were accepted.

The suggestion made last year that we ask North Lincolnshire Council to add “what three words” to sign posts would be expensive. Not only would the sign posts have to be altered, but the council would have to pay a fee for the use of this system, however private individuals can make full use of “what three words” without charge. Anyone can download this app to their smart phone. It is generally useful to plot key points on a walk and also it is a safety precaution, which will allow services to find them much more quickly and easily in an emergency.

Finance report the Treasurer presented an account of income and expenditure for the year 2024. A summary is attached below.

Our major annual cost is insurance, around £100 per year, our other costs are close to balancing with our income. Several years ago we received some support from the Cooperative Society. The chairman will investigate the possibility of applying for that support again this year.

Election of officers

The current committee was elected unopposed. They are:

Chairman  Andy Kennedy

Secretary  Roger Linsell

Treasurer  Maureen Wilkinson

Committee members:

 Pete Smith, Jan Smith, John Smedley, Carol Lindley and Stuart Knowles.

The Chairman presented his report, attached below. 

The Chairman, Andy Kennedy, thanked the committee members, the officers and those preparing tea and biscuits and then tidying up after the walks, for all their efforts this year.

Andy highlighted one of the group’s aims to help maintain the paths and signposting throughout the parish. If anyone notices defective sign posts, styles, bridges, steps or handrails or any other problems damaging the footpath network, then please contact Carol Lindley by email at

Walk timetable. The dates below are provisional. Times and venue will be given by email and will be published on Facebook.

Saturday, March 22

Saturday, May 17

Wednesday, July 9, an evening walk.

Saturday, September 20

Saturday, November 1

Saturday, December 27

We discussed alternative venues and different ways in which we might organise for a wider variety of walks. It was generally felt that our current arrangements supported the objective of popularising the footpaths around Haxey and of making the walks a social event. We will explore the possibility of using the community hall in Owston Ferry as a starting point.


No topics were proposed.

Roger Linsell


Haxey Walkers Chairman’s report for 2024

21st January 2025


Haxey Walkers have had a good seventh year as a group with many new faces turning up for walks. As well as our regular members it was very pleasing to see so many new people attending the December walk. It looks like publishing the walks in the Haxey Arrow and on local Facebook pages is reaching a wider audience as desired.

We managed to arrange six walks in 2024 with reasonable walking weather despite worrying about inclement weather forecasts at times. One evening walk took place in July where we had a pleasant walk around the district at a later time of the day. Given the weather in 2024 I think we were lucky and managed to arrange walks avoiding most of the mud that seemed to be everywhere at times.

Over this last year there have been quite a few upgrades and replacements of route signs locally, but if anyone knows of sign posts to be replaced, bridges or handrails to be repaired, they should send details in an email to Carol Lindley or Roger to pass on through the parish council.

As always, part of our aims and goals are:

1) To encourage the local residents to enjoy the countryside, using our many footpaths to get out and exercise for their physical and mental health benefits. 

2) To ensure the footpaths are maintained to a high standard for all and keep them usable for all. 

3) Report any footpath issues to the parish council and to this end we encourage all our members to look out for issues and make us aware.

We are always looking out for ways we can improve how we organise the walks or what benefits we can provide for both members and the general public in our area. I would encourage the committee to think about any changes we can make or things we can try in 2025 to improve what we offer our members. We are a very open group of people and we would welcome any comments.

As always I would like to point out that without the volunteers and officers of the group, the Haxey Walkers group wouldn’t be able to function and provide the benefits we offer. So I would firstly like to thank our Secretary Roger Linsell for all the hard work he puts in organising events, finding routes and contacting members. Then all the ladies for the hard work keeping us refreshed with drinks and biscuits after the walks, Maureen Wilkinson for keeping our accounts in check as our  Treasurer and finally all the committee members for their time and support.

Andy Kennedy
